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La réunion di Heat con De Niro e Pacino “moderata” da Christopher Nolan

De Niro Heat

Ebbene, l’indiscusso capolavoro di Michael Mann, interpretato in maniera sopraffina e leggendaria dalle due icone per antonomasia del Cinema mondiale, De Niro e monsieur Pacino, il prossimo 7 Settembre sarà presentato in formato “lusso” per la presentazione intervistatrice di un ospite d’eccezione, Chris Nolan.

Rimembro quel lontano, fors’anche apatico eppur euforico 1995, quando stagnavo in una dimensione surreale del vivermi, cogitando pensieri funambolici di ansia e, così, vidi Heat, film che si presta a molteplici chiavi di lettura nella sua “smisurata” durata epica. È innanzitutto un thriller dalle sparatorie indimenticabili, “innestato” sulla partitura melodica di recitazioni oltre, quindi un film corale ove il destino d’uomini e donne difficili s’interseca alla “casualità” del crimine, alla sua “ripugnanza” e vicinanza speculare (il famoso discorso alla tavola calda docet) di due anime gemelle remotamente distanti, a sé stanti, eppur “morettianamente” faccia della stessa medaglia. Quindi un inno all’amicizia, quasi primordiale per come feroce si ribella all’ingiustizia della vita mediocre e puttana. Poi un confronto-scontro fra i due “padrini”. Giudicate voi, e non giudicatelo mai male. Altrimenti peste vi coglierà E vai di pestaggio.


Ora, vado a prepararmi la cena, maccheroncini al pesto. Non affezionandomi alla pasta e sganciandomene, dopo un peto, in 30 secondi netti.Pacino Heat




De Niro scisso fra il Jimmy Fallon e il Today della Premiere di Hands of Stone

È sempre un piacere viscerale, profondo e addirittura di messianica affinità elettiva osservare le “presentazioni” di De Niro che, reduce dai suoi fasti nel Sud della Francia e delle sue visite “bucolico-magnanti” in quel della Sardegna, è riapprodato negli Stati Uniti per impegni di lavoro. Fra poco inizierà le riprese di The War with Grandpa e non sappiamo se questo look ieratico di barbuta e canuta “capigliatura” folta nelle sue increspate, sfumate sopracciglia torve, sia dovuto al prossimo set o sia un “vezzo” della sua beltà “senile” così (a)doratamente fascinosa.

Gustiamocelo nel suo imbattibile, immarcescibile carisma “freddo” da lupo di mare e imminente Irlandese qual sarà per Scorsese ritrovato. Un Bob al giorno toglie il medico di torno.


De Niro fra Sarajevo e la Corsica

Oscar wining actor, Robert De Niro poses after receiving "The Heart Of Sarajevo" award for Lifetime Achievement in Contributing to the Art of Motion Pictures, on the opening night of the 22nd edition of Sarajevo Film Festival on August 12, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ELVIS BARUKCIC

Oscar wining actor, Robert De Niro poses after receiving “The Heart Of Sarajevo” award for Lifetime Achievement in Contributing to the Art of Motion Pictures, on the opening night of the 22nd edition of Sarajevo Film Festival on August 12, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ELVIS BARUKCIC

12 August 2016 - EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT August 12, 2016 - Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE - Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays. Credit: NO CREDIT   Ref: KGC-149/040176 **UK Sales Only - Exclusive - Papers Allrounder - Mags Double Space Rates - Web/Online Must Call Before Use** UK clients should be aware children's faces may need pixelating.

12 August 2016 – EXCLUSIVE.
August 12, 2016 – Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE – Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays.
Credit: NO CREDIT Ref: KGC-149/040176
**UK Sales Only – Exclusive – Papers Allrounder – Mags Double Space Rates – Web/Online Must Call Before Use**
UK clients should be aware children’s faces may need pixelating.

12 August 2016 - EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT August 12, 2016 - Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE - Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays. Credit: NO CREDIT   Ref: KGC-149/040176 **UK Sales Only - Exclusive - Papers Allrounder - Mags Double Space Rates - Web/Online Must Call Before Use** UK clients should be aware children's faces may need pixelating.

12 August 2016 – EXCLUSIVE.
August 12, 2016 – Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE – Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays.
Credit: NO CREDIT Ref: KGC-149/040176
**UK Sales Only – Exclusive – Papers Allrounder – Mags Double Space Rates – Web/Online Must Call Before Use**
UK clients should be aware children’s faces may need pixelating.

11 August 2016 - EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT - PLEASE HIDE THE CHILDREN FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION - August 11, 2016 - Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE - Robert de Niro and his wife Grace Hightower and children are spending their summer holidays in Corsica. The family is on a super yacht ARCTIC P and visits the coasts of Corsica, tasting the local products in the Best restaurants. Mr De Niro continues to maintain himself even during holidays! He was seen training on the yacht. He visit a famous domain of Murtoli. Credit: NO CREDIT   Ref: KGC-149/040169 **UK Sales Only - Exclusive - Papers Allrounder - Mags Double Space Rates - Web/Online Must Call Before Use** UK clients should be aware children's faces may need pixelating.

11 August 2016 – EXCLUSIVE.
EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT – PLEASE HIDE THE CHILDREN FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION – August 11, 2016 – Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE – Robert de Niro and his wife Grace Hightower and children are spending their summer holidays in Corsica. The family is on a super yacht ARCTIC P and visits the coasts of Corsica, tasting the local products in the Best restaurants. Mr De Niro continues to maintain himself even during holidays! He was seen training on the yacht. He visit a famous domain of Murtoli.
Credit: NO CREDIT Ref: KGC-149/040169
**UK Sales Only – Exclusive – Papers Allrounder – Mags Double Space Rates – Web/Online Must Call Before Use**
UK clients should be aware children’s faces may need pixelating.

11 August 2016 - EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT - PLEASE HIDE THE CHILDREN FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION - August 11, 2016 - Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE - Robert de Niro and his wife Grace Hightower and children are spending their summer holidays in Corsica. The family is on a super yacht ARCTIC P and visits the coasts of Corsica, tasting the local products in the Best restaurants. Mr De Niro continues to maintain himself even during holidays! He was seen training on the yacht. He visit a famous domain of Murtoli. Credit: NO CREDIT   Ref: KGC-149/040169 **UK Sales Only - Exclusive - Papers Allrounder - Mags Double Space Rates - Web/Online Must Call Before Use** UK clients should be aware children's faces may need pixelating.

11 August 2016 – EXCLUSIVE.
EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT – PLEASE HIDE THE CHILDREN FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION – August 11, 2016 – Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE – Robert de Niro and his wife Grace Hightower and children are spending their summer holidays in Corsica. The family is on a super yacht ARCTIC P and visits the coasts of Corsica, tasting the local products in the Best restaurants. Mr De Niro continues to maintain himself even during holidays! He was seen training on the yacht. He visit a famous domain of Murtoli.
Credit: NO CREDIT Ref: KGC-149/040169
**UK Sales Only – Exclusive – Papers Allrounder – Mags Double Space Rates – Web/Online Must Call Before Use**
UK clients should be aware children’s faces may need pixelating.

12 August 2016 - EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE / DO NOT CREDIT August 12, 2016 - Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE - Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays. Credit: NO CREDIT   Ref: KGC-149/040176 **UK Sales Only - Exclusive - Papers Allrounder - Mags Double Space Rates - Web/Online Must Call Before Use** UK clients should be aware children's faces may need pixelating.

12 August 2016 – EXCLUSIVE.
August 12, 2016 – Porto-Vecchio, FRANCE – Robert De Niro and family leave Corsica after yacht holidays.
Credit: NO CREDIT Ref: KGC-149/040176
**UK Sales Only – Exclusive – Papers Allrounder – Mags Double Space Rates – Web/Online Must Call Before Use**
UK clients should be aware children’s faces may need pixelating.


The Space Between Us | Official Trailer | STX Entertainment

The Space Between Us

In this interplanetary adventure, a space shuttle embarks on the first mission to colonize Mars, only to discover after takeoff that one of the astronauts is pregnant. Shortly after landing, she dies from complications while giving birth to the first human born on the red planet – never revealing who the father is. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Gardner Elliot – an inquisitive, highly intelligent boy who reaches the age of 16 having only met 14 people in his very unconventional upbringing.

While searching for clues about his father, and the home planet he’s never known, Gardner begins an online friendship with a street smart girl in Colorado named Tulsa. When he finally gets a chance to go to Earth, he’s eager to experience all of the wonders he could only read about on Mars – from the most simple to the extraordinary. But once his explorations begin, scientists discover that Gardner’s organs can’t withstand Earth’s atmosphere.

Eager to find his father, Gardner escapes the team of scientists and joins with Tulsa on a race against time to unravel the mysteries of how he came to be, and where he belongs in the universe.


Robert De Niro & Julianne Moore To Topline David O. Russell TV Series

This is a hot TV package that is yet to hit the marketplace but already has the town buzzing. I’ve learned that David O. Russell is behind a drama series project, which has Oscar winners Robert De Niro and Julianne Moore attached to star.


Details about the show are sketchy, but I hear it is a crime/cop thriller that might be set in the 1990s. It is unclear whether it would be a regular or limited series, but I hear it is designed to run multiple seasons. I hear the show is targeting cable networks and streaming services. With the auspices involved, it is expected to net a series order. In fact, I hear that offers for big commitments are being solicited prior to the pitch going out, which is very rare for a TV series. It underscores just how competitive the current television landscape is, especially when A-list feature talent is involved.

For Russell’s project, that also includes Megan Ellison of Annapurna Pictures, which produced Russell’s features American Hustle and Joy, Alexandra Milchan and Scott Lambert, who all serve as producers on the series.

Once a rarity, now it is not that unusual for top feature actors to headline TV series, especially for a premium cable or streaming network. HBO landed True Detective,starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, and recently Sharp Objects with Amy Adams, while Netflix nabbed Maniac with Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.

This marks the latest collaboration between Russell and De Niro, who starred in the Oscar-nominated filmmaker’s Silver Linings Playbook and Joy. De Niro next portrays disgraced financier Bernie Madoff in the HBO movie Wizard of Lies directed by Barry Levinson. Moore stars in Todd Haynes’ upcoming film Wonderstruck.

De Niro, Moore and Russell are repped by CAA.
