Exitium, recensione del cortometraggio di Giorgio Fraccon

Exitium is a new short surreal experience created by a group of passionate film lovers with a limited budget and directed by the young amateur Giorgio Fraccon, co-founder of Silly Mountain together with Luca Spadon and Giuseppe de Nicolo. Even though it could appear apparently meaningless, Exitium hides however a deeper significance, full of concealed…


RICHARD JEWELL, il trailer originale del nuovo film di CLINT EASTWOOD

Directed by Clint Eastwood and based on true events, “Richard Jewell” is a story of what happens when what is reported as fact obscures the truth. “There is a bomb in Centennial Park. You have thirty minutes.” The world is first introduced to Richard Jewell as the security guard who reports finding the device at…


Her, recensione del film di Spike Jonze con Joaquin Phoenix

Ebbene, a distanza di due giorni dall’uscita nelle sale italiane di Joker, vincitore del Leone d’oro alla 76.a Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia, qual occasione migliore se non parlarvi di uno dei film più amati ma al contempo controversi con Joaquin Phoenix? Ovvero Her, scritto e diretto dal genialoide Spike Jonze, premiato all’Oscar per la migliore…

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